”A Squirrel’s Front Teeth Never Stop Growing” is up on Spillwords!

Photo by Hilmi Iu015fu0131lak on Pexels.com Thank you, Dagmara K, for publishing my double Haibun, “A Squirrel’s Front Teeth Never Stop Growing”. It’s a memoir poem about how my parents gathered for us but also had trouble letting go of their treasures. Here is the first part of the poem. Please continue to Spillwords to... Continue Reading →

“I’m no poetry groupie” is live on Hotel Masticadores House!

Nolcha Fox and I have another poetry collaboration up on Hotel! Thank you, Michelle Ayon Navajas, for appreciating our goofy creations! Here is the opening verse, written by Nolcha. Mine are in italics. I’m no poetry groupieeven though I loveto meet online withfellow poets, lovecollaborations.Words flow bestwhen I’m alone.Images turn intopoems whenthis old lonerbasks in... Continue Reading →

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