Can Squirrels win Publication of the Month on Spillwords? announced the nominations for Publication of the Month of May! My poem “A Squirrel’s Front Teeth Never Stops Growing” was nominated. The competition includes some fine poets and writers. Congratulations all! ♥️🎈🍾🌺🌹

Check out these amazing nominees. Voting ends on May 29. Thank you for your vote! My poem is included at the end of this post.

To vote, kindly register and/or log in to ensure your voice is heard.


The Antiquarian by Steven Elvy
Crescendo by Alan David Gould
Resilience is Her Saving Grace by Lauren Scott
The Road Less Travelled by Vidya Venkataramanan
A Squirrel’s Front Teeth Never Stop Growing by Barbara Harris Leonhard
Sun Over Cadaqués by Kate Aranda Nye
The Dark Night of the Soul by Michael Balner
There Are Angels on Earth by Simona Prilogan
Passages – Last Sailing by Gerry Stefanson
(My) Night-Long Lament by Michelle Ayon Navajas
From The Land of Olives by Nada M. Sobhi
Turning Tables by Nova Loverro
In Memory of Harold Bloom by Jake Sheff
French Fry Etiquette by Judge Burdon

My poem is a double haibun. A haibun consists of a prose poem followed by a haiku.

A Squirrel’s Front Teeth Never Stop Growing

Mom foraged for meals for nine daily. She hunted for quilt patterns and party dresses for teen girls. She gathered sea shells to glue to our gift baskets. She organized our puzzle pieces by colors and shapes. She sorted socks of all sizes and seasons. She stashed pennies to invest in Dad’s retirement. Our nest was always a crowded mess.

One by one, we fell out
and scurried away
to our own trees.

Dad squirreled away all his childhood toys and family heirlooms. To haul from nest to nest. His old red metal truck. His mother’s doilies and kitchen utensils. His father’s tools. Even his old college papers and letters. But my toys, paintings, and memo pads with my poems. Discarded at the base of old tree homes.

My dreams, abandoned
for strangers to scavenge
and rain to drown.

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